Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Google AdWords Trick - Make Money in 5 Minutes Flat

Google AdWords is a great way to start getting some income. You put some ads online, pay for each click. Out of these clicks, some people will actually buy your product or the product you are referring, which causes some profits to you.

Although this seems simple, it is not that easy, that is why I am going to give you a trick. There is alot of competition on Google, and if you can't beat it, you will out of the AdWords game in no time. So how is it are you going to beat the competition?

Well it's really simple. Actually, that's the basis of the trick, you have got to keep it simple. Find a brand that might have two words in it's name, or find a combination of 2 words associated to your product. Let's say your product is called "Winner Gambler" or something of that sort. You are going to take the two words, reverse them and stick them together. In the case of my example, that would become "gamblerwinner". Now don't try this example, because it has alot of competition and you will get nowhere with it. Innovate and find something yourself.

Next thing, is once you've got your word, search it on a keyword search tool, such as Ouverture's or Google's. You will get the volume of searches and competition. Even though the search volume will most likely be relatively low. Your word is VERY targeted. So, out of the few that will click, chances are, most of them will buy the product. Just don't choose a word that has 0 searches, in that case it is just a lost cause.

The final step, is to search in Google with your word. If you see any ads on the right, you've got competition. If there is alot, pass and try to find another word. If there is little. You've got a winning combination.

Go and create your campaign on Google AdWords, if you have an account. If you don't, create one, and then create a keyword based campaign. In it you will use the word you have found.

There you go, quick and dirty right? Hope this helps you, and will get you some profits like it has helped me!

If you want other tips and tricks the author of this article has written an ebook on how to make money online, with little to no budget at all just visit http://www.onlinescamming.com

The FreeMarkMethod is a little ebook, that will show you how to make money online without having to invest a dollar! Go see it at http://www.onlinescamming.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Zachary_Scott

AdWords Tricks - How to Turn $10 Into $200 Using Google AdWords

A little-known AdWords trick to get low-cost clicks (I'm talking in the $0.01 region!) is the Placement Targeted option. Setting up a Placement Targeting campaign can be highly profitable, but you've got to do it right.

Basically, Placement Targeting allows you to target sites that have Google AdSense ads and allows to place your ad among these ads.

So here's how to turn $10 into $200 in profits with Google AdWords:

Step 1 - Find Sites That Have Google AdSense

You'd want to be targeting those sites that appear high in the search engine rankings for popular keywords. Wanted to bid on 'make money online' on AdWords but the price was too prohibitive? No worries. Search for 'make money online' on Google and look through the sites on the first page, including the Adwords ads at the side. Are there web pages that have AdSense ads on them? You can add them into your placement targeted campaign.

Step 2 - Set Up A Placement Targeted Campaign

Set up a Placement Targeted campaign. You can find a link a link called 'Placement Targeted' on your AdWords account home page. Go through the steps and then write your ad. As an example, you'd want your ad to have the words 'make money online' in the title and the body copy if we're following through from Step 1. This makes your ad highly targeted. You have the choice to choose between paying by Cost Per Click or Cost Per Thousand Impressions. Go with Cost Per Thousand Impressions to get those potential $0.01 or $0.03-esque clicks.

Step 3 - Tweak Your Campaign For Higher Profitability

Constantly tweak and split-test your ads to attain higher click-through rates to attain a higher Quality Score. This will give you better rankings on the pages that you are targeting. Remove sites that are performing poorly for you and add in new sites when you find them.

Fabian Tan is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the author of the popular 51-page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to http://www.MurderYourJob.com to get your FREE copy now before it's gone!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Fabian_Tan